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Evil Eye 9 oz

  • Evil Eye 9 oz

For thousands years, the Nazar or “Evil Eye” is known to protect & shield you from the negativity & jealousy of others.

Place this candle in your home for protection against evil eye, jealousy or negative vibes

•Black Tourmaline- A protection stone. this crystal has strong grounding energy that assists in clearing negative vibes & strengthening the body & soul.

•Smokey Quartz- Known to be one of the best grounding stones. This stone is also a protection stone, transforms negative energy into positive.

• Clear Quartz- Known to be the “Master Healer” is known to amplify whatever intent is programmed into it, and when placed with other crystals it also amplifies there energy & metaphysical properties.

•Sage- burned to clear negative energy from objects, persons, & space. Also, improves energy and reduces stress.

•Rosemary- is one of the oldest herbs. Just the smell can help dispel depression and clear negative feelings.

Scent: Rosemary Sage

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